Please call the Preschool on 9817 4946 to book a tour of the preschool. Tours are provided monthly.

Please complete this form if you would like to register your child for our waiting list.

As much as we would love to have your child learn with us, our preschool is currently in high demand with a lot of people on the Waiting List.

If you are interested in your child attending in 2025, we strongly recommend that you complete an application form as soon as possible.

We allocate places based on the NSW Government Priority of Access Guidelines;

Children who are eligible for funding under the NSW Government Start Strong Program, namely children who are at least 4 years old on or before 31st July in that preschool year.

Children who are at least 3 years old and are from a family holding a low-income Health Care Card.

Children who are at least 3 years old from a Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.

Children who are at least 3 years old with English as a second language (ESL).

Children who are at least 3 years old with a disability and/ or children who are at risk of significant harm from a child protection perspective (in accordance with the Early Childhood Education and Care Grants Program Priority of Access Guidelines.

After high priority places have been allocated, then children two years before school have the next priority.


If you are having difficulty accessing this form, please call or visit us — we would love to help you.


Once you have completed your form, please provide:

  • a copy of proof of your child's name and date of birth (for example, their birth certificate)

  • if applicable, a copy of your Low Income Health Care Card (scan or photograph)

These can be emailed to us as a scan or photograph to

There is a $20 Waiting List Fee (non-refundable). This can be paid:

  • by cash

  • by cheque (made out to 'Christ Church Gladesville Preschool')

  • by EFT - BSB: 082 443, Acc No: 50 927 5509 (with your child's full name as a reference)

  • or EFTPOS (Credit or debit card payment) by calling our office on 02 9817 4946 between 9am and 2pm.
    1.5% surcharge for all cards except 2.1% surcharge for AMEX

Once paid, a receipt will be issued from within a couple of days when the banking comes through.


Please note, your application will not be finalised until we have received the waiting list fee and proof of your child's name/date of birth. 

*Please be careful with yes/no options in the form*